Saturday, March 24, 2012

Project Week

The boys worked hard this week on school projects

Adam put a hold on his usual afterschool play dates for a few days while he worked on his project

Adam's project on Babe Ruth turned out pretty good. He did a book report and then had to make a picture frame, dress up like his character, and talk about his character in front of his class.

Although he worked hard and didn't keep everyone up too late on the final night, Adam still required a lot of help and interaction from Mom along the way.

We thought Derek's project looked great....and it turned out that it was...he won first place in his class. I kept telling Derek what a great job he did because not only was his project really good, but he also did it without us having to tell him to work on it and he didn't require any help or interaction from us. He took care of his business without bothering anyone else. What a great world it would be if everyone would just do that one simple thing.

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