Monday, September 24, 2018

The SVX Is Back

It's Baaaack…

Derek's Subaru SVX project car has been across town at Nanna and Poppy's for months where Derek pulled the engine and did a bunch of repairs. He says he's tired of all the commuting so he brought it back here to work on. Oh joy!

I prefer things minimal and organized. Everyone else...not so much.

Derek, especially, seems destined for a life of expansion 

We finished painting Adam's room weeks ago, but a bunch of his stuff still remains scattered in the playroom

My "done done" philosophy, like most others, has gone mostly ignored. I long ago stopped trying to impose my will on the boys. They get the gist by now. Often, when I'm sharing\venting to Helen she'll ask if I said anything directly to the boys. I'll respond with something like, "No. I mentioned the concept to them in passing back in 2014 and it still applies."

I generally assume most concepts are easily inferable through observation or gained through independent analysis. Either you want to do it or you don't. Either you want to devote the effort to figure it out or you don't. The beauty of non-coercion is that it respects the other's free will, but it also absolves anyone from having to battle against another's free will.

 One day the boys will have their own homes\lives and manage them as they wish. Until then...we are all dealing with life's transitions as best we can.

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