Thursday, October 11, 2012

Derek's Broken Leg (Part 4)

Derek heading to the car for the drive to Children's Healthcare and his surgery

Adam riding to school after his doctor appointment

Helen went with Derek and I took Adam to the doctor. Adam had little spots all over his body and we weren't sure if he was having a reaction to the antibiotic he was taking for his poison ivy infection. We told the doctor that Adam has reacted like this before when he had poison ivy and that he was given a steroid.

The doctor was concerned the spots were a body wide reaction to the infection and prescribed Rocephin, a heavy duty antibiotic that had to be injected into both thighs. Poor Adam didn't know what he was getting into. The nurse said it was the worst injection. She gave Adam ice packs to put on his thighs to numb the area and said she would mix in some Lidocaine for the pain.

Another nurse came in and they gave Adam the injections at the same time. He did great and you could see he was trying to be strong, but the little tears rolling down his face gave away his pain. We called Mom and Derek afterward so Adam could tell them about it and check on Derek.

Adam walked stiffly the rest of the day, but the nurse said it would help to keep moving so Adam wanted to ride his bike to school.

After checking Adam into school, I drove to the hospital to see Derek

Derek had just finished surgery, but they hadn't brought him back to the room yet so Helen and I had a moment to catch up on all that was going on

Derek was still groggy from the anesthesia

The doctor said the surgery went well with no concerns. Two screws were inserted and they would be removed after about 6 weeks. Derek would then be put in a walking cast for another few weeks and then no strenuous activity for 3 months after that.

Helen said that Derek was loopy when they first gave him the anesthesia. He kept dragging his hair net all over his head and face and then he kept lifting up the bed sheets and laughing. He laughed and pointed to the smiley face on the pain chart to indicate he was feeling no pain.

Feeling very nauseous from the anesthesia

Adam's infection was looking a little better last night, but he has to go back to the doctor today to be checked again

Helen went to work today, but her teacher friends said they would cover for her and sent her home so she could care for her babies. Helen got home in time to take Adam to his doctor appointment and the doctor was very pleased with the progress. He gave Adam a hug and said he was relieved because Adam's case had preplexed him. The doctor had even brought in a couple of nurses yesterday to show them Adam's symptoms for future reference. Based on the rash and the fact that Adam's sores are not oozing badly, the doctor thinks the infection is a strep infection and not a staph infection.  

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