Friday, November 30, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cinnamon Rolls

Helen making cinnamon rolls the night before Thanksgiving. We have a tradition of eating cinnamon rolls while we watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade.

I was sanding and re-staining some woodwork

Adam made cranberry bread from the recipe in his Cranberry Thanksgiving book

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Derek's Walking Cast

It was a big Thanksgiving week for Derek - he got his braces removed on Monday and he got a walking cast on Wednesday

Derek wanted to have lunch at Rexall Drugs

It's so thin, hairy, and dirty

Helen did a little sponge bath

That looks a little better

With his walking cast Derek was able to stand and help out with the apple pie

Derek got a card in the mail from the orthodontist