Saturday, October 1, 2011


I got some new hockey skates and couldn't wait to try them out

The skates came in on Thursday and I was cranky that I was too busy and couldn't find the time to try them out. I finally got a chance at about 11 pm Friday night when I took them for a spin around the driveway.

I figured I should try my pads on to make sure they were ok before my first game

Derek is number 2

Adam playing with some other kids during Derek's game

Adam's team

Me with my girdle on and headed to my first game

I was pretty shell shocked that first game. I'm a novice skater anyway and the new skates were really fast and then throw in all the guys flying around me. I was like a deer in the headlights.

I'm on a really good team and the guys have been patient with me. They all grew up in the north and have been playing hockey a long time. There doesn't seem to be any beginners like me in the league. I've been skating as much as I can and, more importantly, practicing my turning and stopping. I haven't scored a goal yet, but I've had a couple of shots and 3 assists last game. My goal is to suck less each game so at the end of the season the guys will say, "Hey, he doesn't suck".

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