Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Adam's Bike Training

Tuesday September 20, 2011

Adam's school has only been allowing 5th graders to ride their bikes to school, but recently the school sent home a survey asking parents if the school should start allowing 4th graders as well. Adam was very excited about the possibility of riding his bike to school.

We filled out the survey, but didn't hear anything official back from the school. I was walking to school with Adam one day and asked him if he had heard any updates about biking to school. He told me that they had counted the votes and there was one more vote "against" than there was "for". I didn't realize the survey was actually a vote. Then Adam told me he felt bad because he had forgotten to turn his survey in.

We figured that was the end of it, but then Adam came home one day in a rush and said that they were having a bike training class after school that day and that if you went to the class then you could ride your bike to school. The whole process was a little squishy.

Anyway, Helen rushed Adam up to school to take the class. Adam had to use Derek's bike because his bike had a flat tire. I had been telling Adam for a couple weeks that it was his bike and he needed to "own" the fixing of it, but he didn't seem overly concerned and, now, he needed it and it was broken. I can't say I don't get a little satisfaction out of seeing people's lack of preparation come back to bite them.

Derek's bike was a little big, but Adam seemed to handle it without too much trouble. Ryan, our neighbor, also took the class. After the class, Adam and Ryan were so excited when we allowed them to ride their bikes home.

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