Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Hockey and Cheese

Hockey season started, but it's not so bad

Last year the boys were both playing ice and roller. This year Adam decided getting used to high school and running cross country was enough so he dropped hockey. Derek dropped roller and is only playing ice...and he can drive himself.
At Helen's previous school, the traffic had gotten worse over the years. It would take her 20 minutes to get to school where she waited in a left turn lane for another 15-20 minutes stressing about making it on time and dealing with people cutting in line, etc. It was bad...and that was just the start of her day. Her administration's response and general attitude: get there earlier and stay later. This year, after changing schools, she has a 5-10 minute traffic free drive to a school with small class sizes and a much more laid back administration. She still has to take work home and do more than I think she should, but at least she's not in danger of having a nervous breakdown.
Everyone else is out of the house by 6:30 each morning, leaving me free to deal with life's logistics and generally keeping my insulated world ordered. Since cross country practice is right after school, our nights are free. Dinner, a walk, and a movie. Rinse, wash, repeat. 



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