Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Derek's College Application Process

Derek leaving to take the SAT for the last time Saturday morning

We were comfortably on the UGA\GA Tech state school route, but in the past few weeks Derek's ACT scores came back and elevated his intentions to the highest levels. He is mainly leaning towards computer\electrical\mechanical\robotics engineering, but interested in a more well rounded environment than engineering schools like MIT, Cal Tech, etc. and, as such, really has his sights set on Stanford.

We've spoken to a number of people and read more about the application process and it seems like, for the top tier schools, once you've checked all the boxes (scores, grades, activities, etc.) it comes down to articulating your voice in the essays and then...a whole lot of luck as there's just so few spots for the number of highly qualified applicants.

Had to get my glasses to read Derek's driver's license to fill out the FAFSA

We're letting Derek run the process at his pace since he's done a pretty good job with everything else up to this point, but we're helping out where he requests. He's always on the go and only ever seems willing to give us 5 minute slices of time here and there. He says he's working on the applications and essays, but not ready to have anyone read them and not sure he'll have much time for back and forth revisions - although he did say it might be nice to have a professional look things over.

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